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I have a female Ruby Hap thats holding what should I do?


The ONE who is The ONE
I have a female Ruby Hap that's holding what should I do? I saw an eyeball so I know its babies. I can put them in my daughters RCS tank. Should I strip her or let thingsproceed naturally?


Its your choice, with ruby greens you can do either. Just make sure that if you let her spit you have her in a tank by herself.


This is an emergency situation. First thing you should do is to drive the female to my house at once (I could make a joke here, but I don't want Pat's ears to turn red).

I'm a big one for letting things go in the tank and see what happens (unless you really want that brood). I keep a ton of rock piled in my tanks, and a few fry always survive to adulthood . . . even in the tanks with big Haps.



CCA Members
I'd put the female in a net breeder, preferably in a quiet tank. If she spits a baby or two in transfer you can see if they've absorbed their yolk sacs yet. If they have I'd strip the female - I use a twistie for little ones

Feed the babies powdered flake

Alternately you can let the female spit on her own. Just keep an eye on when she spits and get her out of the net breeder
