I guess a manatee is not a fish


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
So maybe this is the wrong place.

I live on a glorified drainage ditch. It has been widened and enters the intracoastal between John's Pass and Clearwater Harbor. It is only about 100 yards long. We have docks and I like it OK. I was told this happened but did not buy it.

Two days ago I watched a momma Manatee and her baby play in our "canal". As some of you might imagine, it was amazing. Twenty feet from my backdoor these two were in the shallows rolling in the mud. I walked out on the dock and they ignored me. I could have jumped in with them.

Many of you know I moved here and I have been bad in updating the forum. Some of my Florida experience has been bad but some has also been good. So far I like it OK.

How cool is Manatees in your backyard? Oh ya, there are fish too but who has time to fish?



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
That really is pretty cool George. :)

Get any tanks set up yet?
Cool George. I used to see them in the shallow drainage canals on the other coast (Melbourne area) all the time. The canals warm up faster in the spring and they go in to warm themselves.

Makes it hard to fish when it's full of manatees.

Just wait until the mullet all run into your canal, use up all the oxygen, and then all die. The smell is ungawdly!



I think this could turn into a fun drinking game....every time someone responds with the word, "cool"...take a shot.


That is so Cool!

I wish we all could have been there to enjoy such a cool experience. Wow...that really would be cool...

I think this could turn into a fun drinking game....every time someone responds with the word, "cool"...take a shot.

a little forced but that's 3 shots. who is the designated drinker?