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Health issues, I think?


I have not had any disease problems for over 10 years so I'm not sure how to procede with this and will be out of town from Sunday -Friday, my wife will be careing for the fish.

Can fish have ich and not have white spots?

In my 65g show tanks and one of my 20g gallon fry tanks there seems to be a problem. I do use the same python for water changes, so I could have spread the disease,

In the 65g I have full grown Yellow Labs and demasoni, they seem to have labored breathing and I see a little scratching going on, no deaths.

In the 20g fry tank I have 3 week old demasoni and some about 3 week old otter points I got from Tony at the picnic. in the last few days 2 otter points and 3 demasoni died.

I treated both tanks with salt and put Melafix in the 20g.

all fish seem to be eating OK.

what should I do next?


I would put Melfix(shot gun approach) in the other tanks also. The older fish are the ones that are most likely to weather the storm. I would concentrate on trying to save the Juvies.

What you are doing now is what I would have done since you can't pin point any cause.Just do water changes(vacuum the bottom) and keep them well feed along with the Meds that you are already using.


I agree with Kevin salt and Melfix is what I would have done especially since you really don't know what the cause.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I think that those jakes are more like 6 weeks old... slow growers, lol.

I like prazi for suspected parasite treatments. If you dose with this or any other of what I consider "hard core" meds (anything above mela/pimafix), I generally reduce the dosage for juvie fish to make sure it doesn't hit them too hard.

Plenty of water changes and salt will never hurt.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Labored breathing could indicate gill flukes.
Yes, that is a possibility, but it also could be ammonia levels are through the roof.

Labored breathing is also a sign of protozoan parasites.
Yes, that's true too, but it can be as simple as too many fish in a certain size tank and maybe they were overfeed and the ammonia levels shot up because the good bacteria in the tank could not handle it. A 50% water change with some salt and add some buffer will raise the ph so the ammonia levels normalize. It worked for me...

I think that those jakes are more like 6 weeks old... slow growers, lol.

I like prazi for suspected parasite treatments. If you dose with this or any other of what I consider "hard core" meds (anything above mela/pimafix), I generally reduce the dosage for juvie fish to make sure it doesn't hit them too hard.

Plenty of water changes and salt will never hurt.

PraziPro kicks butt Dude! If you go that route, treat for 3 days and then a water change after that and they should be fine.


I do 50% water changes every week and there where only 20 fry in a 20H tank.
The 65 has a low fish load too.