GT update with photos


You may have seen posts in the last few months about my sick GT. He had some kind of infection which gave him the white stringy poop and a horrible case of tail rot. He is still the most stubborn eater ever, only taking crickets and earthworms but will not touch pellets. Anyway, he is definitely on the mend and his tail is finally growing back in nicely. Here's a photo of him currently. I will update this thread as he finishes growing out because I think hes going to be a stunner for sure.

Oops this should have been posted in new world sorry.
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Active Member
Great looking fish. Will you be at the meeting and do you need more earthworms... after the rain they're everywhere around the yard and I'd be happy to throw a few dozen in a bin and bring them along.



If my drywall guys no show on me (would be the third time) I will be there. I'm having my kitchen redone along with the utility room where we keep our dog kennels and hopefully a 125+ gallon tank. I wish this bugger would eat some prepared foods I don't think he can go on eating just earthworms his whole life without falling ill. Thank you very much for the offer.


Bearded Wonder
Have you tried holding food from them for a few days? I know the fish has been sick, but once it is back to normal. I would do a few days where you fast him and then try some other foods. It also helps to have other fish in the tank that are eating that food as well. It takes a few times, but eventually they get hungry enough and start taking it.


Yeah I'm in the process of getting him switched over now it's going slow but he has taken some artificial worms this week. See my post DIY Make your own worms to see what I did.


Looking good. How is he doing?

He is good. I got him to eat some of the prepared foods I made but it's very hit and miss and he just wouldn't get excited about them. I notice that because he's not eating much with the daily offerings of prepared food, his tail healing seems to have slowed. I've decided to fatten him up on crickets and worms while continuing to offer fresh greens for him to pick at if he wants to because I noticed he ate some anubias. Once he's got the right amount of bulk on him I'll focus on getting him solely on prepared food.


Thanks he's doing pretty good. He got all excited to eat a worm the other day and smashed his head into the filter really hard which gave him a nice gash. Then yesterday it looks like he bashed his eye up pretty good. I thought it was pop eye but it looks more like an injury. He's trying his best to look like a beat up old warfighter but all he ever fights is his own reflection lol.