I can bring fish to the march meeting. Please make offers if interested.
3 cyrtocara moorii at 2.5 inches 1m/2? - $15 for all three?
3 aulonocara Usisya male is close to 4 inches full color females 2-2.5 1m/2f - $35 for trio (pending)
7 benga peacocks 3 are for sure males one of which is in full color 4 unsexed/females? biggest male is 2.5 inches great to start a breeding colony- $45 for all of them
3 A. jakes (undu) 1m/2f male is almost 3 inches and showing color - $20 for the trio
1 male ngara 2.5 inches has color - $15
Aulonocara koningsi full grown full color - $30
Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" full grown full color - $25
Sciaenochromis fryeri (breeding pair male is really dark blue with a bright white forehead) - $25
ob peacock(female) - $5?
adult pink peacock with red on it (female)-$10
o. lithobates male - $15
adult super red empress( very red!) -$35
adult Taiwan Reef only showing some color - $30
paralabidochromis chromogynos (see my avatar) 1m/3f - $45
nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus around 5 inches - $15
3 cyrtocara moorii at 2.5 inches 1m/2? - $15 for all three?
3 aulonocara Usisya male is close to 4 inches full color females 2-2.5 1m/2f - $35 for trio (pending)
7 benga peacocks 3 are for sure males one of which is in full color 4 unsexed/females? biggest male is 2.5 inches great to start a breeding colony- $45 for all of them
3 A. jakes (undu) 1m/2f male is almost 3 inches and showing color - $20 for the trio
1 male ngara 2.5 inches has color - $15
Aulonocara koningsi full grown full color - $30
Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" full grown full color - $25
Sciaenochromis fryeri (breeding pair male is really dark blue with a bright white forehead) - $25
ob peacock(female) - $5?
adult pink peacock with red on it (female)-$10
o. lithobates male - $15
adult super red empress( very red!) -$35
adult Taiwan Reef only showing some color - $30
paralabidochromis chromogynos (see my avatar) 1m/3f - $45
nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus around 5 inches - $15