Fronts, Ray and Rainbows


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Odd tank mates, but kudos to you sir if it works. Fingers crossed for ya!

Loving the Steelers sticker.


It is a 6 ft. 150 gallon.

Thanks, Tony. Thing is, I wanted a cichlid I could trust with my ray, other than angels. I jumped over to MFK and asked questions in both their African Cichlid forum, and Stingray forum. I got positive answers on frontosas pretty much unanimously on both forums, even with pics of others front/ray tanks. So I decided to go for it. I know a bit off track in that its a mix of fish that would not encounter each other necessarily in the wild... but I like the look. The rainbows largely stay in the top/middle range. The fronts stay in the middle/bottom range. The ray stays on the bottom. Perfect! LOL...



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
It is a 6 ft. 150 gallon.

Thanks, Tony. Thing is, I wanted a cichlid I could trust with my ray, other than angels. I jumped over to MFK and asked questions in both their African Cichlid forum, and Stingray forum. I got positive answers on frontosas pretty much unanimously on both forums, even with pics of others front/ray tanks. So I decided to go for it. I know a bit off track in that its a mix of fish that would not encounter each other necessarily in the wild... but I like the look. The rainbows largely stay in the top/middle range. The fronts stay in the middle/bottom range. The ray stays on the bottom. Perfect! LOL...


Good on ya brother for doing the research first. Knowing you, I figured that was probably the case.

Cheers on going completely off the beaten path. Do keep us updated!


CCA Members
Looks cool! How long's it been set-up?

You might find some tubes or something that the little fronts can sleep in at night (where the ray can't get to them). I wouldn't put it past the ray to munch them at night, especially as rays grow faster than fronts!



Looks cool! How long's it been set-up?

You might find some tubes or something that the little fronts can sleep in at night (where the ray can't get to them). I wouldn't put it past the ray to munch them at night, especially as rays grow faster than fronts!


Thanks, Drew!

Matt, thanks for the suggestion. I will certainly keep an eye on that. As it happens, Hystrix stingrays are slow growers. Whether or not they are slower than the fronts I cannot say. So that said, I will definitely keep an eye on it. The ray right now has about a 5.5" disc, give or take, and the fronts are around 2.5". The ray's mouth is still pretty small though. While I'd prefer not to add anything to the bottom, taking up the rays open swim space, of course if I notice any hint of this kind of behavior, I'll do what I need to do. I have available options ready to go. Hopefully, the fronts will take cover in the corners of the tank where I have the rock formations if they need to. We'll see how that develops, and I'll keep you folks posted.

The fronts have only been here for a few days. However, the rainbows and the ray have been together for several months. There were angelfish in this tank, before I rehomed them. I've watched this tank for hours since adding the fronts, and so far, I have seen no indication of problems whatsoever. So, we'll see how it goes!

Nice tank with that much room in the tank I would figure it would take some time before they have an issue with each other. :D. Looking at your school makes me wish I had brought a few more Fronts my three seem lonely.