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Fish Caves


CCA member
Here's the scoop so far. Won the Aquabid auction for 10 pleco caves. (participated to help a needy family.)
Would you please go to plecocaves.com and see what you would choose? I'd appreciate a little input on this..ASAP..They want to ship today.

Here's the feedback from the seller to date.

"Oh yeah, the auction you won for ten pleco caves from Worldwide73......you can contact plecocaves.com and pick out what you want......

Basically for plecos they carry:
Small 1"
Standard 1.5"
Large 2"

X-Small 1"
Small 1.50"
Standard 2.25"
Large 2.75"

If you're breeding BN, probably the 2.25 round and 1.5 sq would be best for you. I can send 5 and 5 of those, Those are my two most popular sizes. Let me know before noon tomorrow. (Uaru's Rule) www.worldwide73.com
My preference for a community tank set up would be to get the largest cave they offered with the circular hole in the side of the cave with a cavity in the top that the babies could cling to without having to worry about other fish having access.

If you are breeding these without other fish in the tank then I think that the recommendation from the gentleman is spot on. Give them enough room to be snug in the cave but still be able to move in and out easily without damaging any fins.


CCA member
My preference for a community tank set up would be to get the largest cave they offered with the circular hole in the side of the cave with a cavity in the top that the babies could cling to without having to worry about other fish having access.

If you are breeding these without other fish in the tank then I think that the recommendation from the gentleman is spot on. Give them enough room to be snug in the cave but still be able to move in and out easily without damaging any fins.[/b]

Thanks - I wonder if he assumes that I have plecos only tanks. I will send him your suggestion and see how he responds.

Fishkeeping is so easy...Then you learn just enough to know how much there is out there that you don't know YET. Then the fish hook you...
The reason I suggest the cave I did is that I found that until I disturbed them by accident cleaning the tank that the baby fry had stayed under the rock where they had hatched and kept themselves glued to the algae covered rock bottom even when I pulled the rock from the tank. The second batch that I did not disturb had a very high survival rate. Ended up having to wash many of them off the rock to place them in a breeding tank. Looking at his caves the best way to recreate that are the ones where he cut a hole in the side and you would place the round end down and have the enclosed end up.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
For the Plecos, I just use the saucer portion of a clay pot. The type you put under the pot to catch the water.
Put it upside down and cut a hole in one side just big enought for the parents to go through.


CCA member
The reason I suggest the cave I did is that I found that until I disturbed them by accident cleaning the tank that the baby fry had stayed under the rock where they had hatched and kept themselves glued to the algae covered rock bottom even when I pulled the rock from the tank. The second batch that I did not disturb had a very high survival rate. Ended up having to wash many of them off the rock to place them in a breeding tank. Looking at his caves the best way to recreate that are the ones where he cut a hole in the side and you would place the round end down and have the enclosed end up.[/b]

Yes, that makes sense. I can imagine that there would be a higher survival rate with the cave that has a hole on the side like that. Now, let's hope that the pleco agrees with us.


CCA member
The reason I suggest the cave I did is that I found that until I disturbed them by accident cleaning the tank that the baby fry had stayed under the rock where they had hatched and kept themselves glued to the algae covered rock bottom even when I pulled the rock from the tank. The second batch that I did not disturb had a very high survival rate. Ended up having to wash many of them off the rock to place them in a breeding tank. Looking at his caves the best way to recreate that are the ones where he cut a hole in the side and you would place the round end down and have the enclosed end up.[/b]

Thanks for the input. Final order included 2 of the caves you thought sounded good...a hole on the side...for community tank.
Then 8 assorted colors of the caves he recommended.

The order is being shipped today. I will bring samples to the January CCA meeting.


CCA member
Wow! :character0272: The pleco caves have arrived. They are really cute. :confused0068: Plus he sent 11 caves.

Guess he knew I was excited about them!

Now all I have to do is rearrange every tank that might have BN plecos to include caves..

(Do any of you have BN plecos with African cichlids?)

Note to self: Place caves so that you can see the openings easily!