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Pat Kelly

CCA Member
It does not take much to make me happy some times.

Finally got to use my snow blower yesterday some 2 1/2 years after buying it. LOL

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
May not sound like much, I know.

Its like my generator. I bought it 8-9 years ago and have never used it on my house. Insurance. Used it on other peoples houses but not mine. LOL


Past CCA President
The snow blower is one of the greatest inventions of our time. I finally broke down and got one about 5 years ago. After the first time I used it, I was kicking myself for not getting one sooner. I actually kind of have fun using the snow blower.


I was thinking how nice it would be to have a leaf blower... then it snowed... now I'm not sure which I need!


That equipment is an insurance .
Snow blower no snow great.
Generator no power outages even better if i don't get to use them i'm happy.
Ps. I got them.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


Former CCA member
Darn you, Pat, now you're going to get to use it again tomorrow! And many of the rest of us will pull out shovels.


ha!my wife is selling ours right now. we've had it since 2010. we've started it once, besides checking functionality. $450 !