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Does everyone unplug heaters in summer?


I've always kept everything but frontosa 78-82
I keep the ac around 75
wow. this will really help with the lectric bill
outside temp range in summer
I have racks in the breezeway, doubt it will get too hot for SA
night temps an issue?
Please add comments. opinions
I'm always a little leary of change
Then again tired of being broke

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I only have heaters in a few tanks and yes I unhook all but the 150. This one has Discus. I run 2 heaters in winter but cut back on 1 this time of the year.

The tanks in the fish room never have heaters. In winter I heat the room. In summer the door is open. The dehumidifier actually heats the room up too much at times. The ac keeps everything fine. Of course today is the first time I've had the ac on. lol


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
50 plus tanks and no heater. My Discus do not get a heater. Heaters were the biggest pain ever so I just quit. Let the fish shiver.



wow Thank You

OK thanks very much .
I think the fish and I
can compromise with the ac at 75 then.
This is really useful information for me
I guess i was very much thinking in the box.
box fishtank whatnot
will update as time permits


If I was keeping south american cichlids... I might change but I am not.

I keep my tanks on the low side... about 77-78. Lake tang is very stable and I try and mimic the lake in terms of the stability. Heaters in most of my tanks. I will admit the top tanks don't have heaters.... heat rises ;)

Pleco tanks... that is a different ball game ! 82+


If I was keeping south american cichlids... I might change but I am not.

I keep my tanks on the low side... about 77-78. Lake tang is very stable and I try and mimic the lake in terms of the stability. Heaters in most of my tanks. I will admit the top tanks don't have heaters.... heat rises ;)

Pleco tanks... that is a different ball game ! 82+

Exactly how I feel.
Stability is the key.
Unplugging or removing heaters might save a few bucks over a several month period but at what cost to the inhabitants of the tank.
I keep my heaters plugged in all of the time during the Summer. With this I am guaranteed of no obscene temperature drops during a cool night.

The changing of tank temps on a daily basis will increase stress and the chance of disease.
I have a heater but dont turn it on. Everyone says you have to have the mimic the temp found in the fishes natural waters, but for what??? My fish always seem to be doing ok without heaters. Untill they die of hypothermia then I guess I'll turn it back on.