DIY anniversary gift


I have my 7th year wedding anniversary on Tuesday and decided to do a little DIY metal art as the gift. It hangs up one the wall... Just felt like sharing ... I hope she likes it

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That looks really good! I was a welder for 14 years until I started where I am now so I can appreciate the work here. Happy Anniversary!

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+1... welding is one of the more fun skills that I have picked up over my career... don't trust my beads under pressure or under load, but I'm also known to be paranoid bout those kinds of things. Someday I'll have the time to practice more and become comfortable w/ it.

Great work!


I do high pressure X-ray quality welding for a living working on boilers at power plants. So I am starting to get into a little bit of metal art in my spare time ... It is relaxing...

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I do high pressure X-ray quality welding for a living working on boilers at power plants. So I am starting to get into a little bit of metal art in my spare time ... It is relaxing...

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I did structural and pressure welding and did a lot of work at a refinery and ended up working for said refinery. Power engineering for me now! I do some welding in my spare time now and enjoy it more. Hobby welding

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Omg! I wish my hubby would make me one lol. I'm from Texas so horse shoes are above every door in our house along with lots of cowhide, iron western decor and of course Texas art ;) my hubby and I just celebrated our 7th anniversary on June 2nd. Happy anniversary and nice work! I think she'll love it!

Happily married Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 15 gilled babies