CCA Only Pre Order Specials


CCA Members
Hey folks,

Did you get your pre orders in? I have a few SPECIAL items available, in very limited quantities. These are for pickup at CCA ONLY, by CCA members only, and must be Paid In Full. No further discounts apply.

Orders MUST be received by 3 PM on Wednesday! Please do NOT delay, this is the absolute LAST MINUTE. Orders MUST BE PAID by then. Send PayPal (ONLY) to . For full terms and conditions on PRE ORDERS see: (Note that terms expressed here supersede conflicting terms).


Altum Angel, Wild -- $25 / $30 / $45 ("Regular" / Medium / Large)
(Note, I haven't seen these yet ... they may be wild scalare... ya'll know the tendency of collectors to call all wild angels "altum")
Altum Angel, Tank Raised -- $35
Leopoldi Angel (WILD) -- $18
Manacapuru Angel (WILD) -- $45
Morajo Island Angel (WILD) -- $22

Apisto. gephyra -- $7 (Min 6)
Apisto. baenschi PAIR -- $40
Apisto. paucisquamis -- $20 (Each)
Apisto. borelli Opal PAIR -- $35
Apisto. hongsloi Red PAIR -- $40
Apisto. Mac. Redtail PAIR -- $40
Apisto. borelli "Yellow head" PAIR -- $30
Caqueta spectabilis -- $25
Calvus, Black (LG) -- $150
Discus, WILD Tapajos (Blue) -- $85 (Large)
Discus, WILD Tapajos (Blue) -- $100 (Larger)
Geophagus megasema, LG -- $80
Guinacara daycra, WILD (M/L) -- $25
Teleocichla monogramma -- $19.99
Tropheus moori, Blonde Firecracker -- $25

Green Dwarf Farlowella -- $25
L014 Golden SHOW -- $400
L046 Zebra (Tank Raised) -- $225
L094 Black Spot -- $20
L204 Emperor -- $30
L255 Medusa Spotted -- $50
L273 Titanic (LG) -- $150

[Cory Cats]
Pygmy Cory -- $0.75
Agassizi -- $3.99
Atropersonatus -- $3.99
Dr. Seussi Cory -- $15
Duplicareus -- $15
Reticulatus -- $4.99
Similis (WILD) -- $15

Acouri -- $30
Goonch (Show) -- $150
Ripsaw (LG) -- $50
Vulture Motta -- $50

Large Tiger Barb -- $1.25 (Min 6)
Longfin Glass Rosy Barb -- $1 (Min 12)
Cherry Barb -- $1.25 (Min 12)
Roseline Shark (Denisonii) -- $12
Pearl Danio -- $1 (Min 12)
Zebra Danio -- $0.75 (Min 12)

Black Phantom -- $2 (Min 6)
Black Spotted Splash -- $1.50 (Min 6)
Colombian Tetra -- $1.50 (Min 6)
Emperor Tetra -- $2.50 (Min 6)
Green Darter (Ammocryptocharax) -- $18 (Min 6 -- STUNNING)
Neon Tetra -- $1 (Min 12)
Red Base Tetra -- $3 (min 6)
Serpae Tetra, Longfin -- $1 (Min 6)
Von Rio Tetra -- $1 (Min 12)

Clown Loach -- $4.50

[Other Fish]
Albino Silver Arrowana -- You can't afford it
Arrowana, Jardini -- $100
Silver Arrowana -- $60 (Medium)
Betta smaragdina -- $6
Bluefin Killi -- $1.50 (Min 6)
Clown Knife -- $7.99\
Centipede Knife -- $30

Alligator Gar -- $40
Florida Gar -- $25
Leaf Fish -- $22
Odoe Pike Characin -- $65
Ropefish -- $9.99
Tarpon -- $30
Dwarf Dragon Goby (Schismatogobius) -- $9
Emperor Gudgeon -- $20
Rhino Garra -- $7
Pedicure Garra -- $4

[Other Stuff]
Axolotl, Assorted Morph (No Choice) -- $18
Orange Dwarf Cray (CPO) -- $5
Rabbit Snail, Chocolate -- $4
Rabbit Snail, Golden -- $7
Rabbit Snail, Mini Yellow - $4
Rabbit Snail, White Spotted 'Monster' -- $5
Rabbit Snail, Yellow -- $8


I'm bumping this up guys, because, well....

It's not all that often I see a list with:


Green Darter Tetras (seriously, look these up, they're cool!)

or Centipede knife fish


CCA Members
Teleocichla are very uncommon, too. Basically a riverine dwarf cichlid from SA. Sensitive to low oxygen, but otherwise pretty hardy.

Think of what you'd get if you crossed a pike cichlid with an Apistogramma. :)


CCA Members
Yes - very cool and very rarely seen for sale!


Teleocichla are very uncommon, too. Basically a riverine dwarf cichlid from SA. Sensitive to low oxygen, but otherwise pretty hardy.

Think of what you'd get if you crossed a pike cichlid with an Apistogramma. :)