
Pat Kelly

CCA Member
It's time for Aquafest2013

Aquafest2013 is a convention that is put on by the 3 local clubs. PVAS, GWAPA, and CCA.

October 18-20 2013

Speakers, raffles, vendors, and auction.

Check the website today!


CCA Members
Man, I wish... I think we're ALL in the wedding. At least it's local so maybe I can make Sunday... I'm sure it's exactly what Isaac will want to do on his first birthday!!!

He can celebrate with Grace(it is her 9th birthday).


CCA Members
Folks - please register early (and often) - it's only $20!

As someone who organized an event not-so-long ago, having people wait until the last minute to register really raises the anxiety level (and crimps the club's cash flow)...



Past CCA President
The CCA is part of the crew organizing the event. If anyone would like to volunteer to help out, please send me, Tony, or Matt a PM.



Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Folks - please register early (and often) - it's only $20!

As someone who organized an event not-so-long ago, having people wait until the last minute to register really raises the anxiety level (and crimps the club's cash flow)...


And makes the planning very difficult

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
funny. I was cutting back by not going to the ACA this year. Yet I will have gone to
ECCMFK convention in sept
AquaFest in Oct
and possibly OCA in November... lol
4 conventions in one year....


Can't make that one. Why does PVAS always plan these things for the same weekend as the ACLC meeting???? It's not like they don't know when it is.

Might make the auction though.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
It takes the place of the Catfish convention.

That makes it easier to get the same hotel on the same week if they are planned out early.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
this one is 3 months out.
Time to make your plans and get registered.

Don't forget the hotel room.
(I still need to do that)..........