Anyone Keep South American Cichlids?


Love the dwarf SAs!
Apisto. borellii
Zebra angels
Microgeophagus altispinosa (just 1 left, tho)


only SA cichlids or soft(er) water cichlids or Non-rift lake cichlids?

if it's just to make a long story short:
A. panduro
A. borelli
D. maculatus

Jack dempseys
Red Terrors (but i don't think true festae)

West Africans
N. nudiceps
P. pulcher

All in a 20 long :blink:


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
I would buy a few of those Severum fry from you if you brought them to Ron's. I could use about six and I wouldn't feed them to my pikes. Francine is just a mean to little Severums kind of person.


analog saint

I have a pair of Archocentrus Nigrofasciatus "Honduran Red Point", who may be working on batch #3 of fry.


My 75g is mostly SA cichlids:

-blue acara
-L. dorsigera

My blue acara spawned a few times with a GT that I no longer have. I was only able to save one fry, which I raised on my own in a 6g tank. He is ~9 months old now and back in the 75g with his mom. Very nice looking fish.

This is my sev 'Tiny' who I've had for a year now; when purchased he was quarter-sized:


Im new and have several:

2 Black Convicts (Breeding pair)
2 Albino Convicts (M and F, have not shown signs of breeding at this point)
2 Jack Dempsey's (1 Regular and 1 Golden)
2 Black Nasties - Cichlasoma haitiensis
2 Cuban Cichlids
2 Texas Cichlids
1 Godmanni
1 Grren Terror (Silver Saum)
1 Firemouth
1 Red Devil x Lyonsi Hybrid
5 Texas x Blood Parrot Hybrids
4 Flowerhorns (If they count)

Plus multiple convict fry that Im getting rid of. I will eventually part with a Flowerhornor two, I will grow them out and keep the one with the most color and go from there. I will also be parting with the Hybrid Texas x BP. I am hoping they get a good color to them. They already have pearls.