2013 ACA Denver, CO


Hi everyone I was just wondering if anyone is planning on going. I might be going and would love to see some other CCA members there. The website for it is www.2013aca.com If anyone else is going are you going to bring fish for Show or to sell. if anyone is i might also bring some fish. It looks like itll be a great convention. they have a bunch of tours set up.




Last year was fun hanging out with all of the CCA folks that made the trip, but I think it's just a tad too far this time.

Take lots of pics and keep us updated, though!


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I went the last three years, but with plans of going to Peru in August collecting, Denver is probably not going to happen. :wacko:

You'll definitely have a good time. They're a hoot for sure!


CCA Members
Not likely to attend, either. Too far and too much going on.

You'll have fun, though :)


I went the last three years, but with plans of going to Peru in August collecting, Denver is probably not going to happen. :wacko:

You'll definitely have a good time. They're a hoot for sure!

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Missing my first one in 11 years. Not because of distance though. LOL Went to one in California before.
Taking my first non fish vacation in 10 years so there will be no money left for Denver.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
2 nights in Fort Lauderdale. 4 nights in Key West. and then I have 2 nights that I am playing by ear. Not making any reservations for the last 2. May be Key Largo or may be Homestead area. Will wait until I get there and see if I am tired of the beach or not.
It may not be all non fish related though.
I may stop at Laif's place since I will be going be just a few miles away at one point. LOL
Don't tell Tracey.