120 gallon vs 125 gallon Cichlid Fish Tank


Ok Cichlid Enthusiasts,

Which tank would you recommend due to the dimension differences; the 120 gallon tank sitting the 4'x2'x2' footprint or the 125 on the 721/2" x 18" x 23" footprint.

The collection that I have is more eclectic contain Mauna, Haps and Tropheus. Everyone has all gotten along and done well for the last year or so.



Well-Known Member
since all of your fish will be able to comfortably turn around within the 18" wide side definitely go with the longer tank to give them more swim distance. If you can go with both 72" x 24" dimensions that would be boss.


Past CCA President
I agree that the 6' tank would be my choice between the two. The 4'x2'x2' just doesn't give as much swimming room for the fish. I've never really been a fan of that tank size.