Lots of nice fish for sale


potamotrygon fan
Hey guys
Looking to move some fish

25 von rio tetras - $1.50 a piece or all 25 for $30
20 +/- panda cories - $3 a piece or all for $40
Breeding pair of kribs - $10
breeding group of bleeding heart tetras (2m2f) - $15 for the group or $10 a pair
4 smaller kribs - $3 a piece or all 4 for $10
6 juvenile cichlasoma dimerus - $3 a piece or $10 for all 6
breeding pair of bristlenose plecos *male has a crooked fin* - $10 for the pair

$100 for everything
I might add a fish or two here and there but for now, Im pretty set on this list
Pick up in potomac MD
I'll post pics of the fish on request
Prices are pretty firm. I need to move all these fish ASAP so if you know anyone who might be interested, please let me know
I'll trade for anubias or any other hard to kill plants that can be tied to driftwood or driftwood to tie said plants on.


I'll take the cries and maybe the tetras. I'll pm u.

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potamotrygon fan
I'm interested in tetras if Lucas doesn't want them.

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I'll let you know if he doesnt take them
He only wants the von rio tetras (Lucas, correct me if im wrong)
The bleeding hearts are still available though

Hi Dan - I'll take the dimerus. Matt

Haha, I knew you would want them
pm me when you can pick up. Im busy tomorrow and friday but i should be free at some point during the weekend


potamotrygon fan
Bleeding hearts, von rios, and corys all sold
Everything below is still available:
6 cichlasoma dimerus (Matt gets first pick, assuming he's still interested) $10
breeding pair of kribs $10
4 smaller kribs $10
breeding pair of brown bristlenose plecos $10
adult male apistogramma sp. mastes $10
3-4" geophagus sp. red head tapajos $15
$50 for everything
Im free all day tomorrow and I can cut you a deal if they are picked up then


CCA Members
Hi Dan - When convenient to come by tomorrow (Sunday)?


Bleeding hearts, von rios, and corys all sold
Everything below is still available:
6 cichlasoma dimerus (Matt gets first pick, assuming he's still interested) $10
breeding pair of kribs $10
4 smaller kribs $10
breeding pair of brown bristlenose plecos $10
adult male apistogramma sp. mastes $10
3-4" geophagus sp. red head tapajos $15
$50 for everything
Im free all day tomorrow and I can cut you a deal if they are picked up then


potamotrygon fan
Thanks for the tetras Dan! Thinking about moving the bleeding hearts to an outdoor tub when the time is right.

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Anytime, glad you like 'em!
I was planning on doing the same with them

Thanks for the corys! My brother loves them!

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Glad to hear! Hope you both enjoy them
Hi Dan - When convenient to come by tomorrow (Sunday)?


Litterally just about any time
I finished all of my waterchanges, homework, guineapig chores, etc. today so Im pretty free. Just pm me when you can stop by