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What to do with juvies?


CCA Members
My apistos spawned 3 weeks ago and they just spawned again. I know I can sell a few to club members, but what do you guys do when a pair is really prolific? Where do you sell the juvies? I've never spawned a fish before, so idk about this stuff


It depends. If they are common then often times just selling them to the LFS for a few bucks makes sense. However if they are rarer or more expensive then Aquabid might be your best route.

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CCA Members
What kind of Apistos are they?

If you can raise them to sexable size - Aquabid as Lucas(Forrester) mentioned could be a good out let.

One thing you want that will improve interest in your offspring is growing them to a decent size - even if you sell them in juvie groups.


Past CCA President
Depending on the fish, I have found that the local market will quickly become saturated if you have prolific fish, so the only real place is to go to Aquabid or another national forum and be willing to ship fish.

While I have shipped some fish, I usually just leave spawns with their parents. Once they spawn again, they will usually take care of the previous batch unless you have a large tank.


Former CCA member
I think you probably can sell more to club members than you think. Apistos are pretty popular at our auctions (I know I'd be interested).

You also could try the PVAS All-Day Auction in April. That usually attracts a big crowd.


There are a lot of apisto aficionados out there. You can always check other clubs, try the marketplace, or go to auction sites like ebay.

What kind of apistos are they? I may be interested as well

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
You can def flood a market real quick.

If you have a relationship with a local store they may give you something for them. Usually about 1/4 of retail. Most of the time in store credit.
Remember you need to have a relationship with the store. If you never buy from them they will not be real keen on buying from you.

I have never tried to sell on aquabid myself.
Club auctions is def another way but most clubs require you to be a member to sell at meetings.
As does CCA.

As stated above, if I have one type of fish with too many fry I just leave them in with the breeders and they will handle it.


Bearded Wonder
Leave them in with the parents and take out what you want to sell. That's what I do with my Plecos and Jack Dempseys.