Midevils adopted!


While spreading batches of midevil fry around some tanks to dispose of them, something unexpected happened. I have fed my male umbee a couple small batches of fry before but last night when i released about 50 fry in his tank something different happened.. He did not go for the fry but instead it looked like his colors intensified slightly and he darted straight at a pleco. Then he began to defend the fry against my hand.



That's hilarious, Zack, but also very creative on your part. Does it work only with angel fry? Or have you tried other fry?

So far they have raised two batches of "foster fry". I throw the wigglers in there and they get them past the first few days of free-swimming, then I take them out and raise them the rest of the way. So far it's just been angel eggs but I'm trying newborn guppy fry with them when one of my females decides to drop. The funny thing is, these guys didn't have any failed attempts at raising anyone's babies. On every single batch they've laid or I've given them, they have raised it to free-swimming size. Even there first few. They've only been spawning for a month and a half at best

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That looks like a female umbee! Males never get black eyes and the spot while defending fry. Maybe that is a Rio Ocello umbee trait but I would live to see more video of this fish to better confirm sex.
