my new setup *all male African*


My new setup: 75g male African

*Current stock list:*
1x 9" Kigoma frontosa
1x 5" T-Reef
1x 5" Dragon Blood
2x 4.5" Rubby Red
1x 3.5" Bi-Color 500
1x 3.5" Sunshine Benga



Looks great! The benga looks a good bit bigger than 3.5"

thanx! Guess it come out looking like that as far as comparison with the other fish because it was right up on the glass and the other fish were further back
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Typically, a lone front is not an ideal fish for this type of set up.

He is fine alone..he doesn't bother any of them only occasionally nudges if one is in a spot he want to get to and none of them bother him..When I have the blue moon lights on he parades around happily with the rest of them.


He is fine alone..he doesn't bother any of them only occasionally nudges if one is in a spot he want to get to and none of them bother him..When I have the blue moon lights on he parades around happily with the rest of them.

I believe fronts are schooling fish. They are nocturnal fish so that's probably why he is more active when the blue lights are on.


I believe fronts are schooling fish. They are nocturnal fish so that's probably why he is more active when the blue lights are on.

Not schooling technically, but they live in large groups called colonies.


To Jun: sorry for being rude on my last post. I research all the fish before i put in any of my tanks to be sure they can co-excist togethet without danger to any fish. I know you were just trying to give input and that is what this forum is for. I know there are alot out there that just drop whatever in there tanks. Thank you for your input.


To Jun: sorry for being rude on my last post. I research all the fish before i put in any of my tanks to be sure they can co-excist togethet without danger to any fish. I know you were just trying to give input and that is what this forum is for. I know there are alot out there that just drop whatever in there tanks. Thank you for your input.

Hey no worries. Your fish looks good. Watch for the dragon blood. He may get nasty. Good luck with your tank.


Your welcome! if you want to add some more blue to the tank let me know :)

no more blue!! getting my yellow should throw in an extra lab for good measure hahaha..sunshine not as bright but I'm still gonna take is totally diffrnt now but going to change again now that the king is gone..will post updates when done
My thoughts (for whatever they are worth!):

The "rule" with all male tanks is only one male per species and not fish that look similar. I have managed to have two ruby reds in one tank before, but it's always a risk. Your dragon blood is a bad idea (sorry, my opinion) as they tend to be much more aggressive that what is useful in an all male tank. A few nice additions would include an otopharynx lithobates and some stuartgranti peacocks of various types. An albino Taiwan Reef would be nice. The jacobfriberghi peacocks generally are too aggressive IMHO.

I'd also add a few more rocks with more hiding places. I also sometimes put Mopani wood in African tanks and some plants (well, I put plants in all my tanks.) Some vals or anubais would like nice and give you more sight breaks.

I'd not put a frontosa in because, well, it doesn't seem to go for purely aesthetic reasons. I've never had them and don't know if they have the personality for an all male tank. I just like the looks of peacocks and haps together without others. I don't even likes labs, even though they are just fine temperament wise.