Livebearers Interbreeding?


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Seen mixed responses from Google searches, so I'm asking here.

Anyone know if mollies and swordtails will interbreed?

I've read that endlers, guppies and mollies can and will.

I've read that swordtails and platties can and will.

Mixed responses regarding the two groups....


CCA Members
Yes - most (all) Poecilids can and will interbreed.

In fact, most (all) of the domestic livebearers have mixed lineage :)



Board of Directors
I haven't kept live bearers in a while but they can. I've noticed in my experience with keeping swords and mollies together they never did but it is possible.

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Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
If you keep males and females of both Species in a tank of mollies and swords they probably won't inbreed.


Not talking about red velvet swords and balloon mollies... we're talking about some of the uncommon wild stuff (straight livebearer dope, as some would say). Not worth the risk if it's in doubt.

I hear you though, buddy. :)


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Keeping a goodeid and a Poecilid in the same tank could work.

I just picture the goodeids giving free fin "haircuts" to their tankmates.

I guess that's one way to stop the male swordtails from harrassing the females. ;)


CCA Members
Yeah, depends on the goodied.

I keep the Ataeneobus (sp?) toweri (little gray/blue guys) with wild-type swords (and Gymnogeos)...


Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
I believe it is fairly simple: the rule of thumb is that it they are in the same genus then they can interbreed. If not, they probably cannot.

So swords and platyes and variatus are all XIPHOPHORU and can interbreed.

Mollies are Poecilia latipinna. Guppies and endlers are in the same genus so all can interbreed.

In the old days, I was not there then, well maybe I was, to tell if species were in the same genus, you ran experiments to see if they could cross breed. If it was successful, they were put in the same genus.