WTB Adult Bristlenose Plecos


I am having an overgrowth of algae due to the fact my lighting per wattage is not enough..I need adults about 8-10 adults..I have limited cash resources now, so might have to trade..let me know how much you are asking, and if you are open to trades..thanks! Albino or regular are ok..thanks in advance!

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I've got several varieties as well. Of my plain BN Plecos (both brown and albino) I have several adults as well as some sub-adults. I also have a M + F pair of albinos available.

Depending on the temperature of your tank, you might want Pucallpa Gold Ancistrus.....they're supposed to do well in warmer tanks (their range is 75 to 86 F). I have juvies of these as well.

I'm open to trades, too!


What do you have to trade? I have a variety of bns of different varieties.

Pm sent! :)

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I've got several varieties as well. Of my plain BN Plecos (both brown and albino) I have several adults as well as some sub-adults. I also have a M + F pair of albinos available.

Depending on the temperature of your tank, you might want Pucallpa Gold Ancistrus.....they're supposed to do well in warmer tanks (their range is 75 to 86 F). I have juvies of these as well.

I'm open to trades, too!

pm sent! :)

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
I've got several regular of various sizes. They're yours. Don't mix with any of the exotics, to prevent possible hybridization.



Aldrich, do you mind if I latch on, for whatever you don't pick up? I just need one. Prefer around 5" or so, but I do have a growout space if necessary. Would love a red, but will accept any that can do the job! Can pick up at Sept. meeting. PM me. Thanks!



Aldrich, do you mind if I latch on, for whatever you don't pick up? I just need one. Prefer around 5" or so, but I do have a growout space if necessary. Would love a red, but will accept any that can do the job! Can pick up at Sept. meeting. PM me. Thanks!



I'll try to see what adults I can get..I've pmd blaise but I have not heard from her yet.. But I can definitely spare you if I got extra adults..looks like mostly juvies are being offered.. I'll keep in touch..

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I'll try to see what adults I can get..I've pmd blaise but I have not heard from her yet.. But I can definitely spare you if I got extra adults..looks like mostly juvies are being offered.. I'll keep in touch..

Sent from my Xoom using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

Sounds good. Thanks, man!
