Barbs and Rainbows with SAs?


Past President
I'm trying to finalize my stocking list for a 90g tank I plan to set up in the next few weeks. I want the keystone species to be geophagus, but I'm trying to determine what type of dithers to include.

A lot of tetras wouldn't work because they might eventually become snacks. I'd like to do rainbows and roseline barbs, but I know this is mixing fish from different geographic areas. If water conditions are compatible, are there any problems with this combination?

Roseline barbs have been described as shoaling, peaceful barbs. I've never heard of aggression issues from rainbows towards other fish, but I figure it couldn't hurt to ask if anyone else has experience with this combination.


Global Moderators
I found that the torpedo shape of the roseline barb helped it go down easily when eaten by my CA/SAs. I would suggest you go with Filamentosa barbs. They get a little larger, not as torpedo shaped and have great color.


I've never had roseline barbs, but I have had many of the larger variety of rainbows (bosemani, irian red, turquoise, austrailian, etc.), with great success.



Past President
I guess I was more considering size than shape. Do you think they would be a problem with Geos that only get about 5-6"? I guess once the geos get big enough its a crap shoot. Would be an expensive snack.

Any experience with the temperament of filamentosa barbs? I wanted to avoid nippy tetras, and I know most barbs are nippy too, but roselines were one of the few that was never described as being aggressive. I may exclude barbs altogether just to avoid potential conflict. Maybe just sticking to rainbows as dithers would be easier.

Anyone have experience with Columbian tetras? I like the Congo tetras, but thats introducing another continent into the mix. It seems like most of the taller bodied tetras are labeled nippy. Just want an active fish with color that won't be eaten by tankmates.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I believe that most eartheaters have fairly small mouths for their size and won't mess with tetras unless there's a significant size difference.

For the guys I'm keeping with the long trailers (heckelii and S. daemon), I've been told that bigger tetras will nip the extensions. My heckelii are just starting to get them and haven't been bothered yet by the larger Buenos Aires tetras, but we'll see if that lasts. Buenos Aires are supposed to be on the more aggressive side of tetras, so them not messing with my Geos yet seems promising for anything less aggressive.

Not sure where those barbs line up aggression-wise though.

Columbian tetras are pretty cool...


You'll be fine with the roselines and Geos. as long as the roselines are a bit bigger to start out. They don't grow as fast as cichlids. I have roselines in my 80 with sajicas and angels-they are not aggressive at all but are quick. Geos will likely leave them alone unless they decide to spawn.


Global Moderators
I did not realize you wanted to keep the roselines with Geos. You should not have a problem there, with the possible exception of brasiliensis types. I have kept filamentosa barbs with CA/SA and did not have any problems. Male filamentosas get streamers and extensions on their dorsal and sometimes tail.


Past President
You'll be fine with the roselines and Geos. as long as the roselines are a bit bigger to start out. They don't grow as fast as cichlids. I have roselines in my 80 with sajicas and angels-they are not aggressive at all but are quick. Geos will likely leave them alone unless they decide to spawn.
Thanks Joel, always nice to hear about practical experience. I'll probably start with juvie geos, so that should work out fine.

I did not realize you wanted to keep the roselines with Geos. You should not have a problem there, with the possible exception of brasiliensis types. I have kept filamentosa barbs with CA/SA and did not have any problems. Male filamentosas get streamers and extensions on their dorsal and sometimes tail.
I should have been more clear in the title and intro. Likely going with red-heads, which I don't think are a brasiliensis type. Filamentosa sound nice too, glad to have options.

I have got some geo altifrons about 3 inches I am selling in groups of three for $50
Appreciate the offer, but altifrons will get to big for the tank I'm using for this setup. They are gorgeous geos though, and plan to get some in the future when I have another 6' tank to work with.


You'll be fine with the roselines and Geos. as long as the roselines are a bit bigger to start out. They don't grow as fast as cichlids. I have roselines in my 80 with sajicas and angels-they are not aggressive at all but are quick. Geos will likely leave them alone unless they decide to spawn.
Get those sajicas breeding already! :D



+1A on no issues with geos and roselines. I have 5 roselines and 14 columbian tetras in my 120 with an adult pair of nics (male is 8") and adult geo altifons.


Get those sajicas breeding already! :D


I actually had a spawn, got them to about a month old, then took the parents to the ECC auction. Then got really busy, started to ignore the fish, and lost the fry :angry:

But I do have males and females left, so hopefully they will pair up. I just need to get them some blackworms. ;)