My 40 breeder planted project


In realizing that I have never really shared anything about this tank I figured I would post up a few pictures of its evolution. I do not remember how long I have had this tank for but I knew from the time I picked it up that I wanted to attempt to grow plants. As I typically do I absorbed all kinds of information from multiple sources and quickly got overwhelmed so I decided to just wing it.

I do not have pictures from when I first set it up but it had a small led light on there that sucked and all of my plants quickly died from the combination of lack of light / high maintenance plants. Fail #1

After realizing the light output was not sufficient from the led light I saw my current light posted on the forum and decided to pick it up and give it a whirl with some low light plants that I picked up from our monthly auction and a few from one of the box stores. Here is how it looked after adding new plants and the new light.

The new light did wonders!!!! The plants quickly grew, and grew, and grew.

I do not have a picture from right before I broke the tank down but I quickly realized that when you have a powerful light and you do not trim/pull any plants that it quickly gets out of hand. The tank was so full of plants you could not see anything in the tank but green and the plants were starting to all die from lack of light. Fail #2

So after my wife told me the tank looked like crap and she wanted it out of "our" bedroom I broke the tank down and moved it to the basement. I am pretty sure I pulled half of a 5 gallon bucket worth of subwassertang from the tank. I fed some of it to my africans and the rest is currently sitting in a bucket in water in my basement. I pulled another 2 gallons or so of the floating plants and tossed them in my planter box out back. The rest of the plants were transplanted back into the tank. So after about 5 hours of work here is how the tank currently sits.

I will update more to this thread as time goes and the tank progresses. I may get into dosing Co2 and ferts but I want to get everything growing again first.

Here are a few quick shots of some of the inhabitants.


Thanks for taking the time to read. If you have any questions or anything let me know and I will answer them to the best of my ability.


Global Moderators
I enjoyed reading this and looking at the pics. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks all! I figure if my screw ups help anyone then it was worth posting up. I will have to bust out the real camera and take some better pictures instead of just using my phone.

What fishes are those red tails?
They are Prionobrama filigera or Glass Bloodfin Tetra. I picked them up from Josh soon after setting up the tank.

May I ask what light that is? It seems to have done an amazing job!
I will check tonight when I get home from yoga. It has done an amazing job and I am not even using all of the bulbs.

When I get a chance I will list what all I have in the tank.


Keyholes are some of my faves!


They are awesome! I saw Holly's when I picked up the tank from her and knew I wanted to give them a try myself. They have laid eggs twice but the parents ate the eggs both times. They are still young so I will give them a few more times to get it right before I pull the eggs and attempt to raise them myself.


Former CCA member
I've had the same experience with two pairs of keyholes. They periodically spawn, but after a day or two the eggs disappear. I pulled the eggs once or twice, but they fungused. May try pulling them again, and using a different hatching method.

Rasta Fish

Well-Known Member
Prionobrama filigera or Glass Bloodfin Tetra
are they bigger than the regular Blooffin tetra?
My Discus ate all of mine and looking to replace them with a slightly bigger schooling tetra


are they bigger than the regular Blooffin tetra?
My Discus ate all of mine and looking to replace them with a slightly bigger schooling tetra
From what I just looked up they are slightly bigger as adults. Were your fish full grown? Mine were much smaller when I picked them up.

Rasta Fish

Well-Known Member
They were big some were fully grown still got picked off
its funny i have 10 Rummynose in the same tank and the Discus leave them alone

Jim P

CCA Members
Nice aquascaping and beautiful driftwood. Got any current photos? Wonder if by now you've included plants with different leaf shape/texture - or color? Is there now a reddish version of something tallish like Cabomba?

Jim P