My River Tank Build

So, as many of you know, I'm attempting to build a river tank to use so I can breed my flash plecos.

I'm trying out Hydroton, clay balls used for hydroponics, as my base because my plecos poop a lot! Poop is always flying around the tank when the plecos move around in their current tank, and I didn't want that in the new setup. I wanted something that would suck the poop down like an under gravel filter, but also something that would allow my plants to still grow. I've seen this similar setup in paludariums and thought, why not for my plecos?

I'm using a flourite/laterite substrate mix because I didn't want the substrate to degrade quickly and I needed the substrate to be heavy enough to not fly around with the swift current.

Large rocks are placed by the output spraybar because there will be some Stiphodons in the tank too. I'll be swapping out some of the smaller rocks from time to time, because I will purposely be growing algae and coating Repashy Soilent Green on the rocks for the Stiphodons to eat.

Right now I have a few rocks holding down the driftwood pieces and cholla wood until they get water logged. I have a piece of large driftwood in the back of the tank that was in another tank for a year and it still won't sink. It's going to be "permanently" held down on two ends with rocks.

Filtration is a Marineland C-530 canister filter (which we nicknamed R2D2 because it's huge!) that I got from another GWAPA member at our last meeting. I had to repair a hairline crack in the intake valve in the valve block because it started leaking when I first ran the filter. I used a special plastic epoxy and then swapped the outtake and intake valves. Richard helped me with this. Knock on wood, so far, no more leaking.

So here are some pictures of the build over the past week...


River Tank Under Gravel manifold.jpg

Sideview of manifold.jpg

Hydrotonix clay balls.jpg

Manifold and clay balls.jpg

Eggcrate sandwich.jpg

Adding substrate.jpg



DIY Output spraybar.jpg

Some hardscape.jpg

Some rocks.jpg

Partial fill.jpg

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The ONE who is The ONE
Never though of doing a river tank with a canister filter. How is it for current and aeration? Have you noticed a reduced efficiency in the filters performance?

I am glad L.E.C.A. is available at PetSmart. I didn't want to go the grow shop in Laurel to buy it. But that was the only local store before PetSmart that sold it.
The canister filter is a beast! It filters 530 GPH and the flow is really fast! I can only put in plants that will grow strong roots in the gravel. Stem plants don't have a chance.



That's hot!

You may still want to put an Aquaclear on their to help with the poo accumilation.

What size tank is it?

What did you cap with?

Where did you get your substrates?
You may still want to put an Aquaclear on their to help with the poo accumilation.

What size tank is it?

What did you cap with?

Where did you get your substrates?

I'm considering putting in an HOB filter just in case all the topical poo doesn't get sucked down.

It's a 40g BR tank.

It's capped with a laterite/flourite substrate which you can get at most fish places. I've had a couple of kitty litter buckets of it hanging around in my garage that I use for plants instead of AquaSoil. The Hydroton I got from a hydroponic store in Manassas.

Wow, wtg Arlene!
What made you decide to put the outtake spray bars where you did?

The placement of the output spray bar is right above the rocks. I'll be putting in Stiphodons in the tank too, so I wanted a swift current that is found in nature and rivers.

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Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Wow! Talk about an awesome setup! Great job Arlene. :)

I absolutely love the way you routed the flow on the canister. That should work out great.

How many plecos are you stocking and how big are they? They're going to love it in there.
The tank and setup look amazing. But aren't the caves kind of small for Flash Panaque (L-204)? Mine wouldn't even be able to get there snouts in there.

The tank and setup look amazing. But aren't the caves kind of small for Flash Panaque (L-204)? Mine wouldn't even be able to get there snouts in there.


Actually, in the current tank, two of the plecos chose two caves. I moved one of the caves, and the other one is still in the tank that they are using. And there are a bunch of cholla wood caves hidden, as well as "caves" in that really big piece of driftwood.



Love the set up and have to say you are much braver than I am by placing woodeaters in a tank with substrate. I find that the only way I can keep up on the mess they make is to just line the bottom of their breeding tank with slate tiles. On the positive side their massive amounts of waste have little impact on water quality since they consume such low nutrition foods.
Not sure if you have read these, but thought I would link them.



One other question, how will you balance the temp recommended for Stiphodon (low to mid 70s) with that needed by the Panaque to spawn (82-84F)? I do not have much experience with Stiphodon, can they thrive in the low to mid 80s?

One other question, how will you balance the temp recommended for Stiphodon (low to mid 70s) with that needed by the Panaque to spawn (82-84F)? I do not have much experience with Stiphodon, can they thrive in the low to mid 80s?


The Stiphodons that I have can survive the low 80s, up to 82F, and I currently have them in a tank that is 82F and they are very active and happy. The main thing for them is to keep the tank very well oxgenated and they will be fine.

BTW, thanks for the links to the articles. I have read them a few months ago, but it was nice to reread them again, as there were a few points that I need to touch up on again.

As far as the substrate goes, I only put in a small layer of laterite/flourite mix, as I am hope that the poop will get sucked down into clay ball layer into the filtration system. I'm seriously considering putting in a HOB filter too.
