new to african ciclids.


Hi all,
I have recently began a new endeavor into the large world of African cichlids. I currently have a 29 gal aquarium with rosey barbs, a 55 gal aquarium that I am raising angelfish and fancy guppies. And a 155 saltwater predator tank. And now a 75 gal. Cichlid tank. Which I currently have 6 yellow labs(4 of which are only 1.5 in. 2 are 3-4 inches and 7 1 in. White tail acei. How many more do you think I should add? Any suggestions I would like to start raising them and selling or trading with others. There are so many varieties and colors to choose from. Not sure where to start. I was thinking of adding blue orchids(from mande island, or lake Malawi. Which are peacocks) any thoughts on these?


Welcome to the forum.. Depending on what you like to stock on ( species and number of each ) there are many ways to fill that 75 gallon.. what are you looking to do? Community tank? Show tank?

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CCA Members
I think with the yellow labs and acei starting with 6 or 7 is fine.

The Blue Orchids are pretty mellow and stay pretty small. I think a group of between 6 and 10 should be fine. Or if you can start off with a trio right away that would work too.

You probably don't want to add any more mbuna groups since they maybe too aggressive for the peacocks. The yellow labs and the acei are among the least aggressive mbuna, so they should work.


Thank you for your reply.
I'm not sure which way to go. I think I am leaning toward a community tank. I hope to create the right conditions, so that I might be rewarded with successful spawning. I wasn't sure how a community setup would work for that. I would separate the different species if I see them spawn, as to keep the strains pure(if possible). I would like to have a tank with very vibrant colored fish as well. I know that most peacocks and some of the other Africans will interbreed. It seems most pet shop owners do not mind this. What are your opinions on this?


Board of Directors
I'm not big on hybrids but i handle each one on a individual basis
All I have to say is spend some time researching and them spend your money on what you really want...sometime not possible bc of availability etc but you can't go wrong with labs or acei to start with
There are some awesome fish bred by the members so hopefully you can find what you want.

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If you want to add peacocks especially blue orchids I would keep what you have but add no more mbuna, everytime I put the two together I have bad results. I would say if you added one group of blue orchids you would be safe against hybridization. I have an f1 blue orchid holding now that's pure with very good genes. These are some of the more difficult peacocks to find especially ones that arent interbred with other species. They won't however fair well with the more feisty mbuna, labs and acei are amung the most mellow. There are some other very nice peacocks that wouldn't outgrow a 75 most are in the chitande family but unless your very careful they will interbreed most of the females look so alike you (or the male fish) won't know the difference. There are also some copadichromis species that don't grow to big and would also work. I do recommend you try to avoid stocking hybrids if you plan on breeding anything and don't create them especially if you plan on selling its easy enough to get pure fish its not worth mucking with nature the results a rarely ever as nice as a natural fish.

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Thank you for the great advice. I don't want to end up with a bunch of hybrids. I appreciate the info on the different species to add. I will definitely do some more research on these before adding to my tank. I have a feeling I am going to end up with another tank setup before long. I have a 110 gal. That is waiting to be used. Right now I don't have enough space. Oh well who needs furniture to sit on. I knew there were many African cichlids. And the 3 main lakes they came from. I didn't realize how many there were in each group.

I have kept convicts before I was amazed to learn recently how many varieties there are of those now too.

Thanks again,