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If my opinion meant nothing a three post rebuttal would not have been necessary. Infact you were defensive after my one word post. Someone who does not care need not defend his actions. Give a fish water and and a mate they will spawn. Its what they do, doesn't take a rocket scientist. Gotta love it when someone cruises listings looking for free fish, promises them a good home to the seller then uses them as feeders.

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If it only took a mate and water these fish would be breed all over asia, with the price the command per pound.


To the thread starter you will find that most on this forum won't find enjoyment in videos like that. Many of us are into conservation. You might find the response you are looking for on Water Wolves or from a few on MFK. Feeding your fish an endangered species whether captive bred or wild caught makes a lot of sense... Especially when it's not part of its natural diet.

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Thanks for the heads up now i know not to post videos when i feed all my cichlid fry to my gobys this summer.


Oh one last thing i forgot to add if someone is lucky enough to tell a male from a female very hard to do, get them to live in the same tank without killing each other, be able to stomach the courtship wich is brutal for the female, get her to lay eggs and the male to fertilize another finger crossing situation, hope the male will provide proper airation for the eggs on the ceiling of a cave because the eggs will stagnate and die without it, then you have to be able to watch you male waste away because 9 times out of 10 he will not eat during this whole process, if after all this you get them to hatch. The hard part starts because these are some very very small fry maybe even smaller than saltwater clownfish fry that will not accept any prepaired,frozen or liquid food of anykind and most live foods are to large for their tiny mouths and on top of that they are extremly picky even with the very few live options that can fit in their mouths. Breeding gobys is nothing at all like breeding cichlids the 2 dont compare at all.
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Once again for someone who doesn't care you sure are very defensive. I understand marble gobys, because of this I also understand you got lucky. Breeding is a natural process, you deserve no credit for the fruition of something every living thing has evolved to accomplish, none whatsoever. I can only imagine how many, kids, schools, or hobbyists would have given your "feeder fish" good homes where they would have been appreciated, cared for or used for education. You say your tanks "mimic natural enviornmemts" ahhhh, no they don't. Not even close. You say your experienced, ahh no your not. Why would an experienced hobbyists toss anything in to live with that goby? Did you really think you could give that catfish a good home? I also love the video of Zeus, my favorite part is when the guy references you as being the guy who kept him in a tank way to small. Just like the rest of your fish, I've seen your vids the proof is there. Last but not least, I have spoken to people who have seen your setups or bought fish from you. All have said the same about both, mediocre at best. The more you defend the more you solidify my point so go ahead.

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Once again for someone who doesn't care you sure are very defensive. I understand marble gobys, because of this I also understand you got lucky. Breeding is a natural process, you deserve no credit for the fruition of something every living thing has evolved to accomplish, none whatsoever. I can only imagine how many, kids, schools, or hobbyists would have given your "feeder fish" good homes where they would have been appreciated, cared for or used for education. You say your tanks "mimic natural enviornmemts" ahhhh, no they don't. Not even close. You say your experienced, ahh no your not. Why would an experienced hobbyists toss anything in to live with that goby? Did you really think you could give that catfish a good home? I also love the video of Zeus, my favorite part is when the guy references you as being the guy who kept him in a tank way to small. Just like the rest of your fish, I've seen your vids the proof is there. Last but not least, I have spoken to people who have seen your setups or bought fish from you. All have said the same about both, mediocre at best. The more you defend the more you solidify my point so go ahead.

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Wow two nasty threads one here the other attacking rich one over on mfk. Is this standard practice for this guy?



Haven't seen the one on mfk, but I can see where he is coming from on this one. I don't know why anyone would feed a critically endangered animal to a fish. And yes, I think IKANBETUTU's responses are rude.
Haven't seen the one on mfk, but I can see where he is coming from on this one. I don't know why anyone would feed a critically endangered animal to a fish. And yes, I think IKANBETUTU's responses are rude.

He is refering to the op as the guy with two nasty threads, I don't go on mfk.

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He is refering to the op as the guy with two nasty threads, I don't go on mfk.

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I have no reason to attack anyone. I was attacked, for those of you just joining in the post at the top with all the XXXX was deleted by mods. It contained his attack on me. I've been around a bit and those who know me know this isn't in my nature. Not sure if anyone else has noticed but recently a lot of the long term members have not been contributing. Its folks like this who are giving this forum a bad name and chasing off the people with valuable knowledge and experience to share. I apologize for feeding in to the immaturity.

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So what fish do people get from you? It seems as though everything you breed is used as snacks for bigger fish.


Also i was never really into take pictures of my fish and all that the only reason i do is because people act like your lying if they cant see a pic so a take short vids of everything now just for a reference
Oh ok, I was wondering because I didn't think you had a nasty thread.

In my many many posts I can say I've never been nasty until this one. Even now I'm being more honest than nasty. I've never been dishonest.

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