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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.



I would have thought that the two of you were essential government workers and therefore had to work today!

Yes, I gotta work so that I don't get piled too deep....technically I'm nonessential. But I'm teleworking, though, because I've got to process data from all over the US and THEY aren't closed.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Just got a robo call from Harford county.
Now they are saying 9 - 12" inches of rain. Holy crap batman.

And yet I still have people pulling in asking for oil changes and 2 in the last 30 minutes with complaints of rattle noises.... How do you hear a rattle in the car when driving in this.... lol. Yet the service writers still write them up and send to me.


Maybe because they are off from work or something. Seems silly to me to be concerned about the car with this weather.
Pat -- I know that people are insane, but that sounds truly insane. Are they not paying attention to the fricking weather report?????????????
I've got two power packs and can run my filters for short periods of time to keep them oxygenated and the bacterial colonies alive. Anyone have any idea how often I should do this? Five minutes every few hours? Would that suffice?


Past CCA President
The project I am working on is on Fort Detrick in Frederick and they have already closed the base tomorrow. Hoping that the power stays on so I can enjoy the day off.


I've gotten a lot of stuff done around the house, too. I finally got my dump filter set up on my 60 gal Mbuna.

I wanted a place to grow some plants for extra nitrate removal without the fish decimating everything....no room for a sump....


Former CCA member
Thought you were "working from home". I should talk: just did more water changes, including using some rain water from my barrels.


Water starting to seep into fishroom. Frack!

Oh no! It's supposed to rain a lot more until tomorrow morning. Hope it's not too bad .... I am also concerned about water in my basement. I usually don't have issues with water in the basement, but it happened twice over the last 13 years I lived at my house.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
We went out about an hour ago. Started up the genny and backfeeding for the first time. Much easier than cords all through the house.


CCA Members

I just re-set up the dump on my 150g... hardlined the pump I won in the raffle...


I've gotten a lot of stuff done around the house, too. I finally got my dump filter set up on my 60 gal Mbuna.

I wanted a place to grow some plants for extra nitrate removal without the fish decimating everything....no room for a sump....


Former CCA member
I set up the Eheim 2217 I bought for $40 in the auction last week, put it on my 55, and took off the two smaller canisters I had on that tank, put them on 29s. Seeded the 2217 with some of the biomedia from one of the smaller canisters.